Tuesday, February 24, 2009

top ten reasons why today is wonderful.

10. This morning when I woke up, my feet weren't freezing.
9. Cranraspberry juice and those cookies with the excessive amounts of icing and sprinkles.
8. I sounded really intelligent in my Theatre class, for once.
7. I watched this.
6. It was Shrimp & Good Food Night at the Quad. Thanks, Mardi Gras.
5. Kate's Radio Show played my favorite Vampire Weekend song and there were boyscouts.
4. Pomai put this video on my wall, which led me to discover the beauty of Edges: A Song Cycle. I am completely in love with it. I wish I had the voice to do musical theatre.
3. I got everything on my list of To-Do's completely finished. Including the dishes, finally!
2. My Mom is adorable.
1. My family sent me a birthday candy-basket and there is a Cookies N' Cream Hersheys in it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

jennie garth and peter facinelli are my favorites.

Every time I see the Snuggie commercial, I can't help but laugh. Can you not just put a robe on backwards? They all look like monks who really enjoy outdoor sports and complementary book lamps. Now, I am watching What I Like About You and eating Sun Chips and finally taking a break.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i wish i had an english accent so i could work "safe" into my everyday vocabulary and not sound like a tool.

I'm getting really into Skins lately. Chelsea and I just watched the first season and I am in love.
Schoolwork has been consuming my life lately. Between papers and scripts and exams, I feel like I'm constantly a step or two behind.
If you haven't seen Slumdog Millionaire yet, go see it. Now. It is entirely too worth it.
I think Blink-182 getting back together has given me a week-long high. Nothing can bring me down.
And believe me, the weather has tried.
It was sixty degrees outside today. It doesn't really feel like February. Hard to believe my birthday is two weeks away.
Most of the time, I think that if I had the monetary means right now, I would want to revamp a lot of my wardrobe and kind of experiment with a new look. But I always end up being worried that people would see that as kind of a poseur move. I think I would want to look like Cassie off of Skins. She kind of exemplifies that whole whimsical and fun look that I really like. Or Zooey Deschanel. Or that girl I always see riding her bike past the dorm who has the really great leather messenger bag.
This is long and I am exhausted. I hope everyone dreams sweet dreams of RPattz and accents and pretty clothes.

"I think getting hit by bus is like a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card. 'You cheated on me? Oh, that's okay, you got hit by a bus!'"
- Chelsea Celeste.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

today's YESYESYES moment.

I mean, I was pretty excited when they finally started talking to each other back when Travis got in that accident. Because they hadn't talked in four years. But they're actually getting back together? Full force?!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

breakfast is underrated.

"oh, hi, steven straight in 'the covenant'. nice to see you. every single time i wake up in the morning!"

The above picture is the only reason that I got out of bed this morning.
My exact thought process went something along the lines of, "I could sleep for twenty more minutes... or I could wake up now and have enough time to have Lucky Charms and apple juice in my Diamond Ring mug!"
I think I made the right decision.
Also, I am in love with Ryan on The Real World: Brooklyn.