Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Thoughts on 2-3-10

I have been listening to a lot of late nineties Green Day lately.
I went to see Leap Year with Chelsea tonight. The movie was cute, but forgettable. Matthew Goode's face, however, was beautiful and unforgettable.

I'm leaving for Atlanta on Friday morning for my Granddad's 90th birthday celebration. It's going to be a good time if all goes according to plan. I'm pretty excited.
Why do people find women being funny a rarity? I know plenty of smart, hilarious women.
That's probably one of my biggest pet peeves: people who don't think girls can be funny.
Ehh. Boys can suck it.
I'm reading Free Range Chickens by Simon Rich right now and it is so, so good. If you like reading short, literal-laugh-out-loud humor, then you should check it out.
I've been in a very "Take Charge And Make It Happen" mood lately.
In 23 days, I will be 20 years old. That scares the crap out of me.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

It'll be different this time, baby, I promise!

At our Fab5 Holiday Party the other night, Kate brought to my attention that I never write in here anymore. I guess in the process of developing a Tumblr addiction, I just forgot about this little old blog.
Well, the times they are a'changin'.
One of my New Years Resolutions was to write more. At least a little bit each day, whether that be in this blog, a journal, my tumblr, whatever. So, here we are. I'm going to try and make it to where I don't have months in between posts.
Don't expect any brilliance.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Seven reasons why I am really excited to be going back home to Atlanta for Thanksgiving Break.

  1. Onion rings and F.O.'s at The Varsity. (Yes, this should be number one.)
  2. It will be right after I finish teching for The Crucible, so I can already tell you I'm going to want a nice, long break. (What better place for a break than the ATL with ma homies and their baby mamas?)
  3. Seeing all of my family in one place for the first time in what feels like forever. (In-the-closet bisexuals, preachers, somewhat-if-not-completely racist old men, possibly anorexic Jewish women, and my sister and I, the self-professed comedians of the group, all coming together around a turkey and other things that resemble food. But, seriously, I can't wait.)
  4. Day-after-Thanksgiving shopping in a city that has more than Pinnacle Promenade to offer shopping-wise. (Also, an Urban Outfitters. Do you know how excited I am about the possibility of hitting up an Urban Outfitters? Too excited. I might pee myself.)
  5. Even more than that, I won't have to work on the day after Thanksgiving!
  6. The 12-hour car ride there with my family. (No, really. No sarcasm. I love road trips and I love my family. Putting the two together always makes for a really fun Beatles-listening, Steak-N'-Shake stopping, hilariously good time. Also, I rock at car games. It's a skill I would love to one day write on a resume.)
  7. Going back to my roots. (This sounds hokey. Honestly, it kind of is. But, I feel like every once in a while I really need to be back there. The sights, the smells, everything. I love it. I crave it. Of course, now all of those sights and smells could probably be summed up in one word: "Wet." But, still, I've gotten my point across, right?)
Stop messing with my city, floods, or I'm gonna give you a wedgie.
I mean it. Don't screw around with me.

Monday, March 02, 2009


delicious. and full of oreo-ed goodness.

I should:
1. Start wearing earrings again.
2. Remember to eat Breakfast more often.
3. Be studying for my Lab Exam right now.
4. Be writing my Informative Speech right now.
5. Get my bangs trimmed.
6. Calm down about this job interview.
7. Wear more "tops" instead of "tee shirts".
8. Get stuff done.
9. Continue to Bring Spunky Back.
10. Dry my hair.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

top ten reasons why today is wonderful.

10. This morning when I woke up, my feet weren't freezing.
9. Cranraspberry juice and those cookies with the excessive amounts of icing and sprinkles.
8. I sounded really intelligent in my Theatre class, for once.
7. I watched this.
6. It was Shrimp & Good Food Night at the Quad. Thanks, Mardi Gras.
5. Kate's Radio Show played my favorite Vampire Weekend song and there were boyscouts.
4. Pomai put this video on my wall, which led me to discover the beauty of Edges: A Song Cycle. I am completely in love with it. I wish I had the voice to do musical theatre.
3. I got everything on my list of To-Do's completely finished. Including the dishes, finally!
2. My Mom is adorable.
1. My family sent me a birthday candy-basket and there is a Cookies N' Cream Hersheys in it.