Saturday, December 27, 2008


hugh dancy vs. robert pattinson vs. william beckett.
i think we should do a hang-bang-a-rang each week and switch off who chooses the guys. fun, right?!

I just watched four straight hours of Jackass with Matt, Katie, and Zach. I'll admit it, that is one show/movie that will never get old for me. Every time I see the skits, they're just as funny as the last time I saw them.
I hope you guys all had a really great Christmas.
Despite all of the situations and everything that I was really worried about, I had a fantastic one. It was really low key and nice, just the way I wanted it to be.
I got a webcam and a Zune Adapter for my car and this mod-looking clear bubble umbrella and new Converse and this cute dress and other things. Well, and Rock Band 2 and Wii Fit, but that's for all the little ones, too.
And then today I went out and bought even more things.
Also. You all are friends with the last person in all of Northwest Arkansas to drink the White Chocolate milkshake at Steak & Shake, because guess who got the very last one they will ever make until next Christmas? Yes. Yes. I know, I know, just try to contain your joy.
I really should go to sleep. I think I'll edit this later or something.
And in response to Kate's Ipod-Most-Played posts, my most played song on Zune is 'Shiksa (Girlfriend)' by Say Anything. It makes sense. That song is so catchy, I'll play it at least three times before I move on.

Oh. And I have a Skype now. Add me.
I know, I got really original with the username.


Kate! said...

I added you. ahhh

Kate! said...

Oh, and... I would need to do a little more researched, but hang that guy on the right with the ugly hair, bang RPattz, and rang Hugh Dancy.
chels can marry RPattz and I can just like... hang out with him regularly. We can be swingers.

Antha said...

Yes! I am so excited!

Uh. Guy on right cut his hair, that's an old picture. Kate. William Beckett. Lead singer of The Academy Is. Duh.
Do you really think Chels is going to want to give RPattz up once she gets him? Even if just for swingers?