Wednesday, December 03, 2008



A short break in between classes means Blog Time!
I feel really stupid both writing and saying the word 'blog', but whatever.
Only five more days left of Tech and though I enjoy it, don't get me wrong, I am ready to be done. To be able to breath and get some things done and get ready for it to be the Holidays. It's one of my favorite times of the year and I am so pumped for it to start.
Oh. Oh. Oh! Storytime. So, last week, my partner for our line-read had to leave early for T-Break, so we did our test the day before and Derrick told me I didn't have to come the next day if I didn't want to. So, obviously, I didn't go. Well, guess who showed up out of freaking nowhere in the middle of Arkansas to talk to our class that day? Well?
It was Scott Wolf from Party of Five.
And no one in that class even knew who he was or what he was in or why I was so freaking pissed but excited at the same time when they told me. Like, really? Seriously? I would have probably flipped out. "So what are Jennifer Love Hewitt and Gretchen Weiners like?! Is J.Love's body
really a wonderland?!"
Finals are fast approaching. I feel like this entire semester flew by so, so, incredibly fast. It's weird to think I'm almost halfway done with my first year of college. Anybody else feel a little blind-sighted?
Guys, I think we should do a gift exchange this year. Like, Secret Santa. Or White Elephant. Or something like that. And we could wear cheesy Christmas sweaters while we did it and drink apple cider and be all cute and I would probably end up talking in my Minnesota accent at some point like always.
If you haven't read Growing Up Cullen, you really should do it now. I seriously almost peed my pants the first time I read it.
"We are naming our kid Emmettalie if we ever get one. You know, buy one from China like Angie, if you want, sweetie. Boy or girl, that's its name. It'll kick this kid's butt. The middle name is going to be baseball, though? Does that work for you, hon?"
I can't stop listening to that one Wolf Parade song. I'll Believe In Anything. I mean, I've listened to it a million times before, I know. And I love the video. But it came on shuffle the other day and now it's all I want to listen to. Weird.
Maybe I'll edit later, but for now I'm coming close to running late.

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