Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Seven reasons why I am really excited to be going back home to Atlanta for Thanksgiving Break.

  1. Onion rings and F.O.'s at The Varsity. (Yes, this should be number one.)
  2. It will be right after I finish teching for The Crucible, so I can already tell you I'm going to want a nice, long break. (What better place for a break than the ATL with ma homies and their baby mamas?)
  3. Seeing all of my family in one place for the first time in what feels like forever. (In-the-closet bisexuals, preachers, somewhat-if-not-completely racist old men, possibly anorexic Jewish women, and my sister and I, the self-professed comedians of the group, all coming together around a turkey and other things that resemble food. But, seriously, I can't wait.)
  4. Day-after-Thanksgiving shopping in a city that has more than Pinnacle Promenade to offer shopping-wise. (Also, an Urban Outfitters. Do you know how excited I am about the possibility of hitting up an Urban Outfitters? Too excited. I might pee myself.)
  5. Even more than that, I won't have to work on the day after Thanksgiving!
  6. The 12-hour car ride there with my family. (No, really. No sarcasm. I love road trips and I love my family. Putting the two together always makes for a really fun Beatles-listening, Steak-N'-Shake stopping, hilariously good time. Also, I rock at car games. It's a skill I would love to one day write on a resume.)
  7. Going back to my roots. (This sounds hokey. Honestly, it kind of is. But, I feel like every once in a while I really need to be back there. The sights, the smells, everything. I love it. I crave it. Of course, now all of those sights and smells could probably be summed up in one word: "Wet." But, still, I've gotten my point across, right?)
Stop messing with my city, floods, or I'm gonna give you a wedgie.
I mean it. Don't screw around with me.

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