Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"Barack, which box did you put my china in?!" "Calm the eff down, Michelle! I think they're with my old Billy Blanks tapes."
"Moooom! Malia called me stupid! And she pushed me! And I spilled my Juicy Juice in the Lincoln bedroom!"
"Seriously, Sasha? Whatev, why don't you just go watch The Lion king again, okay?! Here, I'll tell you what happens: Mufasa dies, okay!"

I had way too much fun imagining that.
It's been too long since I've updated this. I always start to and then feel like not enough has happened to write about. And then I realize that actually a lot has happened and in all reality, I'm retarded. Go figure.
My Christmas Break was perfect. Just long enough without feeling too long.
Classes have started and they're pretty good so far. I'm definitely in love with my Communications and Drama classes, but that's kind of expected since those are right up my alley.
Chelsea just put in Love, Actually. I've never seen it before and I'm really excited. This movie seems perfect for me.
Went to my baby cousin, Emma Grace's second birthday party and it was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Watched the Inauguration in my Drama Class today. And I think what moved me the most was realizing that in the same way my Dad always tells me about how he remembers exactly what he was doing when Reagan and Carter were sworn in, I'll tell my kids that the first Inauguration that I can clearly, pristinely remember was Barack Obama's. I just really like that. Plus, Yo Yo Ma was there and Retha was wearing the most fabulous hat I've ever seen!
My friends and I can have more fun with a projecter and an Aquarium DVD than you could really ever believe was even possible. I keep thinking back to that randomly in the middle of classes or walking around campus and I'll just start laughing. Until I realize that laughing when no one around you has said anything is a sign of insanity in most cultures and I stop.
Colin Firth is such a dreamboat. And so far, I am completely in love with this movie.
"Yeah, it's like getting a sunburn from a bear!" Kenzie is hysterical.
And that is that for now.


Kate! said...

Uh, delightful, Antha. Well played. I definitely laughed out loud and showed everyone in my room.
You're a joy.
I may call you, if I can make my phone work. It's broken again.

Antha said...

I had way too much fun making it to let it go to waste. I may just do it more often.
You should. I miss you!
Call me on Thursday or Friday if you do. Wednesday is the four-class-no-time-for-life day.

Dude, you would so be Michelle. "Okay, Malia and Sasha, who wants pesto?! No one! Well, I took the time to tell someone to make this and you are going to eat it!"

Pomai and Alex. said...

that is so good. i almost want to make it my profile picture. but will you facebook this please? i want the whole world to see.

Antha said...

Oh, man.
Will do, Pomai. Will. Do.