Saturday, December 27, 2008


hugh dancy vs. robert pattinson vs. william beckett.
i think we should do a hang-bang-a-rang each week and switch off who chooses the guys. fun, right?!

I just watched four straight hours of Jackass with Matt, Katie, and Zach. I'll admit it, that is one show/movie that will never get old for me. Every time I see the skits, they're just as funny as the last time I saw them.
I hope you guys all had a really great Christmas.
Despite all of the situations and everything that I was really worried about, I had a fantastic one. It was really low key and nice, just the way I wanted it to be.
I got a webcam and a Zune Adapter for my car and this mod-looking clear bubble umbrella and new Converse and this cute dress and other things. Well, and Rock Band 2 and Wii Fit, but that's for all the little ones, too.
And then today I went out and bought even more things.
Also. You all are friends with the last person in all of Northwest Arkansas to drink the White Chocolate milkshake at Steak & Shake, because guess who got the very last one they will ever make until next Christmas? Yes. Yes. I know, I know, just try to contain your joy.
I really should go to sleep. I think I'll edit this later or something.
And in response to Kate's Ipod-Most-Played posts, my most played song on Zune is 'Shiksa (Girlfriend)' by Say Anything. It makes sense. That song is so catchy, I'll play it at least three times before I move on.

Oh. And I have a Skype now. Add me.
I know, I got really original with the username.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


"papa can you heeeeaaaarrr meeeeee."

My Fab5 are the best, so don't even try to compete.
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone. I know my family is excited. This is going to be a very different Christmas, but I am determined to make it a good one.
I am worried. About everything.

As of 10:49 pm on Christmas Eve.
Actually, everything is fine. I am really happy and really excited and can't wait to sleep in a room with all my siblings and wake up in the morning and make everyone wait too long for me to get my contacts on.
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have really good ones.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

my mother is a lovely lady.

I love my family.
My Mom just randomly called every movie store in town to see if any of them had my old favorite Christmas movie from when I was like, eight or nine, "All I Want For Christmas". And it turns out, Blockbuster saved the day.
Then, Katie is all "Uh, I'm going to make a pound cake."
And my Mom is all, "Let's all just make Christmas cookies and stuff, okay?!"
And. To top all of that cutesy Christmas cheer off, Jon & Kate Plus 8 Christmas special was just on and it was adorable.
Oh. And I finished all of my Christmas shopping today, even the Fab Five Secret Santa gift, with the grand exception of my sister. I think I know what I'm going to get her, though.
Now I'm going to go eat Christmas cookies and watch baby Thora Birch and baby Ethan Embry try to get their no-name-celebrity parents back together in the name of Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

antha-lina jolie.

who would not want to be her?! besides aniston.

My Dad and I just watched Wanted.
And while I was expecting to kind of hate it, it was actually just the amount of bang-bang-shoot-em-up improbable cheesiness that I needed in my life. I liked it.
I really want to be Angelina Jolie now.
Zachary and I have been flipping his toy pistols for like, an hour now, trying to get it to where we can flip it and catch the handle. I've got Eight good ones so far.
Yeah, it's out of fifty or so tries. Don't judge.
But seriously, I want to be Angelina Jolie. She is such a bamf.
We've been talking about taking a family photo where we're all impersonating different celebrities. My Dad is Hulk Hogan. I'm Angelina, ink and all. So far, Mackenzie is Gary Coleman.
Oh. And my Dad decided that Katie and I need to learn how to shoot a pistol."You're girls and I want you to know how if there ever was a need." So he's taking us to the shooting range sometime during this break. I'm a little bit terrified but more just kind of excited because that's one thing I'll know how to do that I can check off my list.

So, it's just been a Bang Bang Hardcore kind of night at the Johnson household.
Really, is that all that different from any other night, though?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


too legit to quit, yet another year.

Why hello, Christmas Break, nice to see you, too!
Watching a little Conan O'Brien and listening to Mackenzie snore. You'd think this would be irritating, but really, it's kind of adorable.
This is making me laugh so hard right now. I know, I know.
I start my Christmas shopping tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Okay. Fergie Vs. Beyonce in a fight. Who wins?
I am honestly curious on your thoughts.
I get to see my Pomai and my Kate very, very soon and I am so excited about it. Like, really, I am ready for our dinner party and photoshoots and the Postsecret exhibit and old-school-sleepovers and more than likely another string of "yet"s. Fab Five all together.
I would really like to see what Will Arnett and Amy Poehler's baby looks like. Soon.
I think I would really like to see this.

Monday, December 15, 2008

new years will be automatically good.

This made me laugh really hard and I hope it brings a smile to your face as well.
"The Academy Was! The Academy Was!"

Friday, December 12, 2008


inspiration for our family portrait? i know, i know. but you know what? whatevah, i freaking like it.

Now if only Sam would get a blog, I would have my entire Fab Five right at my keyboard-tapping fingertips.
I am watching Narnia on ABC Family right now.
Does anyone else laugh hysterically every time that midget tries to axe Edmund when he's lying stabbed on the ground all bleeding and everything and Susan is just like, "UH NOEZ SORRY, DWARF. I'M JUST GOING TO BOW AND ARROW YOU IN THE CHEST NOW, MMK?" I am seriously near tears I'm laughing so hard.
James McAvoy has horse legs and really inapproapriate body hair. Yet, I would still tap that.
I think Taylor Swift is to me what Chris Crocker is to Chels. I can't get "Love Story" out of my head. Curse your catchy tunes, Swift, you've got me again.
One more final to go on Monday and I will officially feel like I'm on break. I think I'm going to go play Rock Band and watch The Princess Bride, which just came on Bravo.
Buttercup: We'll never survive.
Westley: Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has.
Love it.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


Andy, Jorma, Akiva, and Timberlake. This could not get any better. No joke.
Watch. It.

In other news, today is our last Christmas Carol show and then we strike and I'm done.
While it was fun and of course, I love the people I'm working with, I am so relieved to be finished. I am ready for it to be the Break, so I can go chill out at my house with the pretty Christmas tree and buy everyone's presents and make too many desserts and drink too much Cranberry juice. I am ready. for. it.
These next couple of days are going to be incredibly busy, in between Math and Sociology and Ballet finals and finishing all my work on my toolbox. I'm glad I finished my drafting last night, that's one less thing I have to worry about.
Anyway, all I really made this post for was to put up my favorite video in the world right now. Besides the newest episode of TAI TV. I know, I know, it's a problem, but I'm thinking I'm okay with having it.
But. I would like to know. What's your favorite Christmas song?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008



A short break in between classes means Blog Time!
I feel really stupid both writing and saying the word 'blog', but whatever.
Only five more days left of Tech and though I enjoy it, don't get me wrong, I am ready to be done. To be able to breath and get some things done and get ready for it to be the Holidays. It's one of my favorite times of the year and I am so pumped for it to start.
Oh. Oh. Oh! Storytime. So, last week, my partner for our line-read had to leave early for T-Break, so we did our test the day before and Derrick told me I didn't have to come the next day if I didn't want to. So, obviously, I didn't go. Well, guess who showed up out of freaking nowhere in the middle of Arkansas to talk to our class that day? Well?
It was Scott Wolf from Party of Five.
And no one in that class even knew who he was or what he was in or why I was so freaking pissed but excited at the same time when they told me. Like, really? Seriously? I would have probably flipped out. "So what are Jennifer Love Hewitt and Gretchen Weiners like?! Is J.Love's body
really a wonderland?!"
Finals are fast approaching. I feel like this entire semester flew by so, so, incredibly fast. It's weird to think I'm almost halfway done with my first year of college. Anybody else feel a little blind-sighted?
Guys, I think we should do a gift exchange this year. Like, Secret Santa. Or White Elephant. Or something like that. And we could wear cheesy Christmas sweaters while we did it and drink apple cider and be all cute and I would probably end up talking in my Minnesota accent at some point like always.
If you haven't read Growing Up Cullen, you really should do it now. I seriously almost peed my pants the first time I read it.
"We are naming our kid Emmettalie if we ever get one. You know, buy one from China like Angie, if you want, sweetie. Boy or girl, that's its name. It'll kick this kid's butt. The middle name is going to be baseball, though? Does that work for you, hon?"
I can't stop listening to that one Wolf Parade song. I'll Believe In Anything. I mean, I've listened to it a million times before, I know. And I love the video. But it came on shuffle the other day and now it's all I want to listen to. Weird.
Maybe I'll edit later, but for now I'm coming close to running late.

Friday, November 28, 2008


a day about family, right? well. this is mine.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Today was definitely a good one. A lot of cooking mixed with too much apple pie mixed with a Jon & Kate Plus Eight marathon, all stirred together and deliciously served.
I think I will be just fine with turning into my parents one day. Really, though, I think half of that change has already happened.
I hung out with Matt and my sister last night and tonight and realized how much I really did miss his company. And he introduced me to Drew Danbury. This guy is adorable.
Really, this was all just so I could say that I hope everyone had a really great Thanksgiving. I'm going to go fall asleep to some more Joel-and-Alexis Jon & Kate Plus Eight moments.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


i love andy samberg. i love justin timberlake. i love paul rudd. and i love sasha fierce beyonce. can it get any better? no.

Right now I am sitting all covered up in my cozy little loft bed with my laptop and Cool Runnings is on TBS. I am feeling pretty okay about this.
I am too busy for my own good lately. I'm counting on Thanksgiving Break to give me some time to refuel before I run on empty for too long.
So, my line test that I was really worried about? I aced it. And I hope that doesn't come across as obnoxious. I'm just really excited about it. Also, really excited about this new scene. It's from this play called Betrayal that won a Nobel Prize for Literature, I'm pretty sure. Basically, it's all written backwards and forwards and backwards again but it's still intensly interesting and real and believeable. I like it a lot.
Apple juice and Nilla Wafers are a perfect late-late-night snack. They basically saved me tonight.
I am entirely too exhausted. I think it's time for me to pass out. Get some well deserved z's.

Friday, November 21, 2008

two: an analysis

"i'm team jacob, antha! not TEAM TAYLOR LAUTNER!"

Okay. In a sea of people who thought the movie was awful, I feel like I should share my thoughts on Twilight. It goes like this:
I liked it. Loved it, actually. I thought it was great.
Really, a lot of what I've heard is that people thought the movie was a little ridiculous and all too cheesy.
But wait. Hold the phone. This movie is based on a novel about a teenage vampire who falls in love with a human who has a werewolf for a best friend and uses lines like, "So the lion fell in love with the lamb." Were you expecting anything but cheesy? I mean, there really was no other way they could portray the book as well as they did without making it kind of far-fetched and ridiculous, because
the books are that way. As far as that "spider-monkey" line goes, though, I am completely on the other side. (Really, Hardwike? Spider monkey? Did you really think we would just miss that or something?)
I don't know, I just really liked it, personally. I thought Robert Pattinson and Jackson Rathbone brought a different look to their roles that I hadn't even really thought of before. I actually liked Jasper's pained-face-halfway-constipation look he had going on. I always overlooked the fact that he was still new and in pain in the first book, but that made me kind of feel a little bad for him.
Oh. And the sparkle thing? Personally, I just think if they had cut the wind-chime sparkly noise thing they had going on, it would have made the scene a lot better. Just let the effects do their work and cut the five year old cartoon sounds.
And. And. And! To top all of that off, Edward Cullen and I wear the same sunglasses. It's a sign we're meant to be, right? Of course.
And that is how I feel about all of that.

In other news, I am really excited to be home right now. It's been such a hectic week, I think I need a few minutes to breath.
We're going to the lighting of the Square tomorrow. Things like that are my favorite parts of small town life. I might even see Kylan there?
In a matter of a week, my Dad has read almost the entire Twilight series and is halfway through Breaking Dawn. It is entirely too weird and entirely too exciting all at the same time. Finally someone in my family to talk to about Twilight. And it's my Dad. A little bit hilarious.
Oh. And. I am in love with Luke Wilson. Always has been, always will be.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


just me and my zune, katrina highkick, getting really for some midnight massacre.

Dear World, The Day is finally here.
Hide your breakables and prepare for the blast, because once that clock strikes 12:01, a sea of caffiene-driven, vamp-loving, squeeling teenage girls will be set loose. And I am one of them.
But in all seriousness, I am pretty excited.
I went to the Tech Watch for The Christmas Carol last night. It is going to be a fantastic show, I can tell. Even without most of the set or costumes or even sound effects, I was already totally enthralled. It'll be at the WAC from December 5th through the 7th. I'll be teching and you should all go see it.
I cannot wait for Christmas Break. I just want to make gingerbread cookies and have all of my friends and family home and participate in the traditional round of sleepovers.
I just got the sudden urge to make a mass mix cd. Is that weird? Probably.

You won't regret this click.